Stiller See

Reviews – Das Feedback unserer Schüler

Hier einige der Google-Reviews unserer Schüler und Kursteilnehmer. Die Qualität unserer Ausbildung und persönliche Verbindlichkeit sind für uns die beste Werbung.

Was now often training with Florian and can say with conviction that what he teaches, he also lives. And you can feel that in every training session. If you want to train body and mind with this extremely awesome martial art - Florian is the right place in the Bujinkan Gokui Dojo ❤

Wolfgang Weinlich Avatar Wolfgang Weinlich

A very good dojo, nice trainers and a good atmosphere

Badman Avatar Badman

Has now been training with Florian several times and can say with full conviction that what he teaches, he lives too. And you can feel that in every training session. If you want to train your body and mind with this extremely hot martial art - Florian in the Bujinkan Gokui Dojo is the right place for you ❤

Wolfgang Weinlich Avatar Wolfgang Weinlich

Ein wunderschönes, kleines Dojo. Die Trainer sind erfahren, die Schüler sehr freundlich und die Techniken sind sehr gut erklärt und abwechslungsreich.

Tim Kramer Avatar Tim Kramer

Ich bin in diesem Thema absoluter Neuling und habe mich ein wenig umgesehen. Hier fühlte ich mich als Einsteiger, Interessierter, Neuling von Anfang gut aufgehoben! Man wird herzlich empfangen und es wird sich intensiv um jedes (neue) Mitglied gekümmert. Hier herrscht eine durchweg angenehme Grundstimmung. Wer als auf der Suche nach einem Dojo ist und sich für Kampfsport/Kampfkunst interessiert, muss diesen Ort mit in die engere Wahl nehmen. Einzig anzumerken ist vielleicht die Parkplatzsituation. Aber mal ehrlich: Wer eh Sport machen möchte, der soll mit dem Fahrrad hin fahren oder mal ein paar Meter gehen zum Auto! 😉

Thorsten Berger Avatar Thorsten Berger

I'm new to this topic and have looked around a bit. As a beginner, interested person or newcomer, I felt that I was in good hands right from the start! You are warmly welcomed and every (new) member is looked after intensively. There is a consistently pleasant atmosphere here. Anyone looking for a dojo and interested in martial arts/martial arts must shortlist this place. The only thing to note is the parking situation. But to be honest: If you want to do sports anyway, you should cycle there or walk a few meters to the car! 😉

Thorsten Berger Avatar Thorsten Berger

Die beste Kampfkunstschule, in der ich je war! Bei diesem Trainer werde ich bleiben. Man bekommt ein Konzept an die Hand, mit dem man Schritt für Schritt in den Kampfsport und die Lebenswelt des Ninjutsu eingeweiht wird. Es wurde nicht nur auf meine körperlichen, sondern auch meine mentalen Stärken und Schwächen eingegangen, sodass ich mich rundum wohl gefühlt habe - und das als Frau in einem doch eher männlichen Interessensgebiet. Eine klare Empfehlung von mir und Aufforderung, einmal vorbeizuschauen! Mit Öffis ist das Dojo sehr gut zu erreichen und sofort zu finden.

Lisa Avatar Lisa

I'm a complete newbie to this topic and have looked around a bit. As a beginner, interested person, newbie, I felt like I was in good hands here right from the start! You will be warmly welcomed and every (new) member will be looked after intensively. There is a consistently pleasant atmosphere here. If you are looking for a dojo and are interested in martial arts/martial arts, you have to put this place on your shortlist. The only thing to note is perhaps the parking situation. But let's be honest: If you want to do some exercise anyway, you should go there by bike or walk a few meters to the car! 😉

Thorsten Berger Avatar Thorsten Berger

I've been training in this dojo for over two years now and can emphasize the professionalism and experience of the trainers. Above all, the main trainer, Florian Rotter, has many years of practical experience at home and abroad as a security guard and soldier in the Bundeswehr. The training atmosphere is relaxed and practice-oriented. That means, unlike in other dojos of other martial arts (e.g. karate), one is less fixated on learning complex katas. Grappling/ground fighting is also an integral part of the training. Therefore, one should not be afraid of close physical contact. What distinguishes and emphasizes Ninjutsu from all other martial arts is the variety of weapons (swords, knives, sticks, etc.), which are also trained in addition to unarmed close combat. The only criticism is that you have to climb a total of five doors (three of which have to be unlocked and locked) and two flights of stairs to get to the toilet, which can take up to 10 minutes. That's why I recommend everyone to drink as little as possible two hours before training and to go to the toilet again before you start training.

Mark Luithle Avatar Mark Luithle

Absolutely great and good lessons, only been there twice and signed a contract straight away The lessons are fun and really great

Cyrus S Avatar Cyrus S


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